Gta 5 PC stuttering fix for players with 8-16gb of memory (self.GrandTheftAutoV_PC) submitted 1 year ago * by Roastroach GTA:O alexo1001 This is a fix that. I would like to ask about you guys ram usage in gta v and if you have any tips to solve it (i'm looking to buy a 4gb ram in a few days) so it would just be a temporary solution thanks. 44 comments share.
Grand Theft Auto V. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Anyone Has 4GB of ram? Please answer about your GTA V performance. I have a suspicious feeling, that the cause of my GTA V stuttering is the lack of 8gb of ram. I will wait more, maybe R* wil come with a patch soon. GTA V says it's playable with 4Gb. Might not be the best experience but 4Gb is the minimum. You might be below minimum spec in other areas though. GTA V is very RAM hungry so running out of system RAM might be causing your stuttering, but you also have a pretty weak graphics card with only 1GB of VRAM, that is pretty much going to limit you. Feb 04, 2018 if the city / settlement will make your game a lag (not too bad) confused / can not install this mod? Do not worry, let's follow the ways install Patch GTA 5 - Low spec (2gb ram. HOW TO PLAY WITH 4GB RAM AND I3 IN GTA V! Make your page file 8192 said by DizturbedFan it is the sweetspot It is my page file right now Have you experienced playing GTA V for like 15-30 mins with.
Hey! I'm Making a Guide on how to Optimize GTA V Or Atleast Run it Smooth in a Graphics Card Less than 2gb of Vram
People have Been Saying that If you Want to play Gta V Smoothly you need a min of 2gb of Vram and the Recommended is 3gb Of Vram or 4gb of Vram I Say Bull**** (Sorry for the Language there)
Anyways you Can Run GTA V With a Mid End or Low End GPU You Just need some Tweakings with your PC And GTA 5's Files and Graphics Settings
So I'm gonna Give some of my Tweaks on how I Played GTA V Smoothly in a Gpu that is Only 1GB
(P.S I have a GTX 650TI with a Bottleneck I3-3240. So this might work better for you or it may not do anything. It Really Depends on your PC's Specs and Performance. I created this guide to give some tweaks to atleast Make GTA V Playable)
Some Programs to Fix PC Performance
I Download so Many Useful Programs that Has Fixed my PC For about 20-40% (I Haven't done any Cleaning and Other Weekly Stuff on my PC So That's why it has a High % Of Fixed Performance)
This Cleans up,Logs,Cache,Temp Files,Internet Junks and Hidden Files that are Not Useful
This gives More Space on your PC So its Useful and give's a little performance Boost to your PC.
2.Smart DefragDownload
(Note if you and SDD User Skip this Program. if your an Hdd User Download this or Just skip this if you already have a Different type of Defragger)
Okay i Know there is a Built in Defrag in Windows but Smart Defrag is More Faster and More Smarter (lol)
Just my Opinion though you can Skip This if you want
Anyways Always Defrag your PC To Decrease Loading time in Games and Somewhat give you a Slight FPS Increase (Maybe?)
Pick the Defrag and Fully Optimize Option
3.Unpark CPU Download
How to Use this
This Unparks your Cpu For Better Performance When Playing!
Don't Worry this Doesn't Increase your CPU Temp. But if your very Unsure about this. Disable Unparking everytime you finish your Gaming Session but it's a chore doing it
4.Razer CortexDownload
Wait Wait OP Razer Booster!?
Okay Hold your Horses I Know Razer Cortex/Booster is a Bloatware. But the Reason i Used this is because there are processess that uses my cpu power and as an Bottleneck cpu i have this is an very important program for me
But Skip this if you don't want to use it (but if do have a bottleneck cpu use this)
And that's all the program i used in increasing performance in my PC And in any Game i play (most notably GTA V)
And now in this part. We are now going to mess with the files in GTA V With mods that Increase performance and gameplay. (Big thanks for the modding community!)
This is the website i Normaly find Mods in GTA V
There Funny/Good/Helpful Mods in that website but we are going to find mods that increase gameplay and performance in GTA V
So i found many but this in my opinion Helped Gta v Smoother
NOTE All of this Mods Needs OpenIV For this Mods to work
There are tutorials on how to Install them but PLEASE Backup files before modding them. There really easy to install you just need to follow the instructions on installing them carefully
But if you fu***d up Go to this Thread
And download any files you fu***d up
Anyways i'm gonna explain What Mods do
HD Low-end Mod makes you play the game smoothly without to much downgrade of graphics in GTA V
so if you have a Decent PC Or GPU Use This Mod
Super Low-end PC And Super Low Settings.xml Use this if your PC Or Laptop Is Low-end
This Downgrades The Graphics to the Maximum Limits of GTA V To Make GPU's Run the Game
So Don't expect Fancy DOF Particles Texture and Much More
Again They Have Tutorials on how to Install them
Okay Now We Mess with Nvidia's Control panel to Tweak GTA V (For AMD Users Sorry i Don't know what Kind of Control panel your using)
Okay This Thread
Should explain the Settings for GTA 5 Control panel Settings
Next is the most obvious and the most biggest Performance changer in games
Download the latest graphic driver for your GPU
Download Geforce Experience (Nvidia) Raptr (AMD)
And they should notify you the Latest Graphic Driver. or you could just manually download the driver in the internet
it's up to you on how you download it
Okay the last one
When Launching GTA V Go to Task Manager and Right Click on gtav.exe (Don't know specifically but you should see GTAV.exe not GTALauncher)
After Right Clicking it go to set Priority and set GTAV.exe to High
Sorry for bad Explaination but This Thread
should explain it very Well
Ok That's everything and Now we Mess with GTA V Graphic Settings! (The Mods Has there Modified Settings.xml but i Prefer to Do Trial and Error with GTA V)
But if you don't want to have A Hassle of Trial and Error Use the Setting.xml of the Mods
Firstly Never Exceed your VRAM Usage
if you want to exceed. Exceed only about 200-400 of your VRAM
Exceeding to Much Introduces Bad Stutters and Crashes
There are guides on Optimizing GTA V But for now i'm going to explain it myself from my Experience
(But if you Do Want to see it Here
Hahahaha No. A Big NO. If you have a Super High End GPU Or PC Yeah it's okay to Use This But For Us Peeps Who Only has Decent PC No Just dont Use this
This has big FPS Impact so Disable this Entirely or just put it on low but it Doesn't Introduce Stuttering (I Like Post-FX So i Putted this in Very High xD)
Grass Quality
Big FPS Impact Just put this in High Or Normal
Shader Quality
Has some Impact in FPS But Not To Much. it makes the Shadows More Darker? just put this in Normal
Shadow Quality
Now This Introduced Stuttering
Just put this in Normal (Hey atleast the game still has Shadows)
Reflection Quality
Makes Mirror Reflect like in real life
This has Little FPS Impact but It's not important so put this in Normal
Particle Quality
Makes Explosion? and Particles more beautiful
I'm not Sure what Particle Quality Does but it Doesn't Decrease my FPS Nor Introduce Stuttering so Put this in Very High or Just put it in normal if you think it has FPS Impact
Makes Tree More Fatter
Well it Doesn't Impact FPS But it Sure Does Introduce Stuttering when Driving to Places so Put this In Off
Texture Quality
Okay this Doesn't Have Any FPS Impact but it sure does Introduce Big Amount Of Stuttering
Well Because it Uses to Much VRAM So Put it in Normal
Makes Jagged Line Blurred
It only has Little Impact in FPS So Enable FXAA
Distance Scaling
it Renders the game depending on what Percent you putted
Okay it's hard to configure this because putting this to 100% introduce some micro-stutters. putting this i 0% introduces texture pop-ins
So Maybe Put this in 50%
Shadow Smoothness
Smoothens the shadow when it meets an object
Just use Nvida PCSS Or AMD CHS Because this somewhat introduce stutters
Anisotropic Filtering
Sharpens the Texture on a given Angle
Little FPS Impact but Introduces Micro Stuttering when Driving
So Put this in 4x Or 8x
Ambient Occlusion
This is Somewhat Useless so Just put this in Off
Population Variety
Makes San Andreas More Populated
Introduces a Lot Of Stuttering so Put the Slider in 0%
Population Density
Don't know what this Does But Depends on you
But I Personally Put it in 0%
Matches your FPS With your Monitors Refresh Rate
Do Some Trial And Error with this settings but Mostly put this in Off
Water Quality
Little Impact in FPS But this only makes the Water Realistic so Mostly put this in Normal But if you want Put it in Very High
Put it in your Native Resolution but If the Game Stutter or Lag Put it in 720p or the Most Lowest Resolution Available
Advance Graphic Option
Put Everything to Off and The Silders to 0%
And That's Everything! Hopefully This Helped you! This is Still Not Finish as i'm, still going to Edit Some Things Here so Stay Tune!
Anyways My Experience In GTA V When doing All the Tweaks
Gta V Memory Leak Fix
The Mod That i Used Is This RHANCER
Okay i Kinda Cheated but It Removes all those Annoying Fogs,Chromatic Abbrevation,Noise
and I Think this is Placebo effect but It Actually Removed Those Stuttering a Little! (Or maybe i Tweaked my graphic setting)
And it Did Make the Game More Beautiful
Anyways This is my Graphic Settings
Why is my Settings Like that? Remember i Tweaked the Game and i'm Playing in 720P And it Only Stutters when Moving from Sandy shores to Los Santos
And Yeah that's It Hope you Like this Thread Leave a Comment Below of any Problems and i'm gonna Try my Best to Answer your Question!
I Have Found Another Mod or as they say A Low Spec Patch that Patches GTA 5 to Look Like GTA SA (Obviously i was joking xD it just really really makes your game look like SA)
And There is this Youtuber Called Low Specs Gamer
He Makes Really good tips on how to run games below the minimum Requirements of games! Kudos to him!
Anyways he Created a video on how to run GTA V Below the Minimum Requirement
I Have Been playing GTA V In my GT 820m and it runs in 60fps (I'm gonna show how i Did it)
Nvidia's control Panel play's a big role in making GTA V Smoother so i'm gonna show you my Settings
With this Settings Comes with a Price
it makes my Laptop heat Faster! but there is a Solution
Has an tool for Limiting FPS
And yes i know there is an half sync in GTA V Graphics setting.But it tends to be a bit buggy
so i use RTSS For limiting fps. it's more better.
So i limited my FPS To 30.
I Have Found Another Work around for Reducing Stuttering
You Need
Why Fraps? We are Going to Use This For Benchmarking
RTSS For Limiting FPS
Ok First up is to go to Fraps and go to the Benchmark Tab
Now Set any Kind of Key to Activate Benchmarking
Be Sure to Tick the MinandMaxFPS Only
And now put your Benchmark Files on any Folder you have in your Desktop Now Go Minimize Fraps and Launch GTA V
after you are in the game Press the Key you Inputed to Benchmark
After pressing it Try To Do Some Heavy Gun Fights, Do Some Heavy Missions That Involves a lot of Driving and Shooting, Walk Around Los Santos and Sandy Shores, And Drive Fast
After all of this Press the Inputed key for Benchmark to Stop Benchmarking
Exit GTA V And go to the Folder where you putted your Benchmarks
Now go Find MinandMax and Open the File
Find your Min Average and Max FPS
Let's say your Min is 15 avg is 30 and max is 60
you can Either Limit your FPS To 15fps or 30fps
But if your Min is 25 Avg Is 30 And Max Is 60
Limit your FPS To the Minimum
Doing this Puts Less Stress to your CPU And GPU
I Have Found a Website
Gta 5 2gb Download
This wiki has Helpful Fixes for Any Kind of Games in The PC
So when your in the Website look at the top right and Search for Any Kind of Game
Most notably GTA V
If your Lazy to do it Here ya go you Lazy bum
LowSpecGamer Has Uploaded a Video Again about GTA V Running below the Minimum Requirements
This Video Now Focuses on Modifying GTA V Files (Mods)
For the People who had Bought the Game
If you are Only Playing Single Player Try Downloading the
Reloaded Crack V5
But PLEASE Remove it After Finishing Single player
or if you want to go to MP
For the People who Pirated It (this is the Pirated Sub reddit lol) Use Reloaded Crack v5
It is More Stable and Fixes most Stuttering than The Original Patch of Rockstar
I Didn't Pirate the Game
Why i Chose this Sub-reddit is Because So many Threads here Had Help me Fix my Stuttering in SP
The Ill-gotten Patch is So Unstable that i Had to Force Myself to Use the Reloaded Crack
I Don't Go to MP Anyways (Well i Was Banned because i forgot to Remove my Downloaded Mods xD)
I Don't Really Support Pirating Games but this is an exception
So again I Didn't Pirate the Game i Only used the Crack to make my Gameplay Smooth
Oh and Thanks for this Sub-reddit for Being Helpful!
What's the experience of people with 4gb RAM? I have 4 and it's constantly maxed out. The game is unplayable, but I have no idea if this is the cause. My CPU hovers around 75% usage, but my RAM is at a constant 100% (also disk usage too). I'm getting insane stutters (and the nearly infamous TEXTURES NOT LOADING problem) which is making the game simply unplayable on ANY settings.
Is 4gb Ram Good
My specs if anyone wants to know:
Gta V Patch Download
CPU: i7-760 @ 2.8Ghz
4gb Ram For Laptop
GPU: GTX 660
Win 8.1
(yes I have newest Nvidia Drivers)