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The Guild 2 - Renaissance is a standalone-add-on for the game The Guild 2. It contains new professions, maps, buildings and countless new possibilities as. The Guild II: Renaissance. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Hey guys, what map would you recommend for a long dynesty game? Showing 1-5 of 5 comments booyoov. Jan 12, 2015 @ 8:26am I had to ditch MAGATHABURG at the first day, since my workers went to fetch holy water from the.
This is the beginning of the Renaissance. Eight completely new professions: mercenary, grave digger, stonemason, juggler, innkeeper, banker, miller and the fruit grower. New goods, buildings, ambient details and effects. The Guild II: Renaissance Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Gamer Movie Deadpool 2 Honest Trailers Deadpool 2 Honest Trailers. Free download the guild 2 renaissance maps Files at Software Informer. “The Guild 2 – Renaissance” begins in the last day of a dark age when clergy and nobility had a stranglehold over all of Europe and the vast wealth of a few noble families was obtained through the blood and sweat of the commoners. The guild 2: renaissance and i havnt crashed once well saving since i updated to 4.17b:) have about 18 + saves on the go from 2 families all works well. Permalink embed. Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3, AMD Guild II Renaissance Free Patch iSO All new scenarios & bigger world maps to the series will require 2-3 manual reads and the tutorials done at least twice. Learn how to purchase and access the Imperial City DLC game pack here: get to L4, then I have.
Mod name | Notes |
TG2-Renaissance TradeWarPolitics | Version 0.95 |
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- Other user's assetsSome assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
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File credits
I got help of some of the best guys in the community, just quoting a few ...
Scandal, MoK, Napi96, Sunpack, Zbombe, Serpens66, kinver, Teleth, manc, dip12, broliii, Mr. Rogers and TomX, Nommy, Nekuratu, McCoy, jedi93, Three of Me
and lots of bug-reporters and support :)
The Guild 2 Renaissance Manual

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The Guild 2 Renaissance Guide
Version 0.9.1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Changelog 0.91 (includes 0.9 changes)
- ModPack: Multiple fixes & tweaks for the unreleased version 0.9
- Vanilla: There was a potential bug if the pied piper despawned before the children died.
- ModPack: Fixed a rare bug during the payback of (bank)-credits.
- ModPack/Vanilla: Multiple professions had less than 5 worker slots.
- ModPack: Possible exploit during the usage of the gargoyle fixed.
- Vanilla: AI will no longer start aggressive measures while their target is inside a building
(e.g.: insults, letter from romes etc.)
- Vanilla: You can also no longer activate the 'letter from rome'-item while your target is
inside a building - but you will get a message that tells you why your action is cancelled.
- ModPack: AI controlled jugglers and wenches should no longer 'stock' on the same place.
- ModPack/Vanilla: The AI production management didn't work properly.
- Vanilla: The town secretary is no longer in charge for office meetings in case no voters
appear. Now a guard inside the meeting room will hold the meeting. (-> usher session)
- Vanilla: Children should no longer be able to do crimes.
- ModPack: You could not reach the spiderleg-ressource in Dornweiler on the Bingenheim-map.
- Vanilla: The AI did not climb the political ladder if someone applied for their old
- ModPack: Fixed multiple bugs during the so called 'usher session', including the missing
- Vanilla: AI repairs damaged buildings now occasionly.
- ModPack: Pirates got no XP during production.
- ModPack: Intimidation via Breaking Bones (to buy a building from a shadow dynasty) didn't work.
- ModPack: Lost HP gets healed by the medic (this time for real)
- ModPack: Healer should no longer interrupt the treatment-measure for no reason
- ModPack: AI Healer only interrupt the treatment-measure if at least 1 other doc is treating.
- Vanilla: The residence-tooltip showed wrong title-conditions for the second and fith level
- ModPack: Counting houses no longer ask for build material
- Vanilla: Your thugs no longer get interrupted by the black board, quacksalverer, pick-pockets and priests
- Vanilla: Fixed a text bug in the German version.
- Vanilla: Stonemason can now gather stone without returning every time they picked something up.
- Vanilla: Day worker who spawn when building a new building should now despawn correctly.
- Vanilla: Mine guards don't block employee slots of the mine anymore
- Vanilla/ModPack: Fixed some issues with the council meetings.
- Vanilla: The measure 'fiery speech' affected thugs, merceneries, the royal guards, children and also sims who tried to
start a crusade (and thus making the AI restart the action over and over again)
- Vanilla: The robber now also starts with a free cart.
- ModPack: Fixed and changed some tooltips.
- ModPack: The balance sheet of the tavern now can only be seen by the owner.
- ModPack: If you robbed a unconcious person who has been robbed recently, a false
message appeared.
- ModPack: You can no longer 'lay tarot cards' inside buildings.
- ModPack: Due to a bug, some shadow dynasties had the title 'Serf'.
- Vanilla: Shadow AIs could give sermons even if they had non-scholar classes.
- Vanilla: The rain ends now every morning to fix the endless rain-bug.
- Vanilla: Deleted an obsolete db-entry (state 'DonkeyTeam')
- Hannover and Hameln now start as a small town (village before)
- Pathfinding in Ulm has been improved a bit.
- Ulm now has space for 10 dynasties (8 before).
- The ambient-feature 'beggars' has been deactivated to improve game performance.
- The icon for 'Show diseased people' now has the correct background colour.
- Healer can now put their medicens, soaps and miracle cures into a 'medicine chest' to save space.
During treatments your healer will automaticly choose from the medicine chest first before they check
the normal inventory. This works for AI and AI managed buildings aswell
- The item 'Staff of aesculap' has been removed to improve Healer production and inventory management
- The hospital now has a balance sheet that shows income from treatments, soap-sellings and quacksalvery
- The 'Have vision'-measure has been reworked again. You now need a tool and then some raw materials.
You no longer will produce a random item but always the same out of the same ingredients, but: You
need to find out the recipes for yourself (or cheat and look it up). You always get nice XP when you
find out a new recipe and can look up all unlocked recipes in the menu of the measure (not if it is
on cooldown though). You can craft 13 different artefacts this way (mostly craftsman stuff)
- the item 'tarot cards' has been removed.
- Council meetings have been reworked completely:
- The thinkbreak feature had to get removed, unfortunately
- AI voting decisions have been reworked completely. Now presence/absence is one of the main factors.
Also diplomatic relations (feud/alliance) have a massive impact.
- You can no longer see who the AI is going to vote for
- Your thugs have no longer to leave the room, that means that escort duties don't get interrupted anymore.
- There are many more dialogs and variations to boost the atmosphere (and fill the gap through the missing
council actions)
- You no longer get messaged multiple times that you are a voter/ that someone applied for your office
- Diplomacy has been reworked completely:
- As a base, AI now makes totally new calculations to judge how strong the player/ an opponent is
- You can make an offer to another dynasty to improve the status, but the dynasty will now check if this
status is good for them or not. They might make a demand to you to actualy get that status. The stronger
you are the more likely they will accept any kind of treaties.
- The AI will never make alliances with 'rivals' (same buisnesses or same political ambitions)
- You can send a letter to another dynasty to raise or decrease the favor with them a bit.
- You can make a financial demand to another dynasty but it will lower their favor to you.
- You can make a request to your allies. Currently you can do the following 2 things:
- Ask for money
- Ask to attack a random building of one of your enemies.
- You can only do one action per dynasty per day, but can send multiple letters to different dynasties if you want.
- You can send money as often as you want to your allies (that also improves relations).
- Many measures that need a specific target now directly open the 'important persons' tab to improve handling.
- The bigger overview-map from MoK's map-pack has been included
- The 'Remove from active group' button has been removed from the family tree, because clicking on that meaned
that you could never add them back. Use the 'manage group' measure to add or remove party members (thx to MoK!).
- The orchardist no longer produces 'invisible' inside the building but instead has now unique gather-animations,
gathering around the building. There are still some pathfinding issues, and sometimes they take really long
walks to find a place, but I can't change that for now. Still doesn't affect gathering that much.
- Lot's of new and reworked tips and tricks!
- The icon of the good and bad dream has been updated (thx to MoK!)
- The red dynasty colours have been changed
- The button for activating notifications for local selling now changes depending on the current setting
(you will now see on first glance if you have notifications activated or not)
- You no longer see the class while you hire random employees because it doesn't matter what class you hire.
- The upgrade tree of your buildings has been rearranged. There are now new 'header'-categories to keep everything
- You will now get a message for your hospitals if patients are waiting for treatment but no medics are assigned.
- The day labourer that work on your buildings now spawn at the location of your building and after the work is done
they will get despawned correctly.
- The Towncrier no longer has that strange looking exclamation mark on his head.
- The GUI of the building-upgrade-tree is now much larger (thx to MoK!)
- You can eat meat pie to get lot's of experience and have a 10% chance of adding a few extra years to your life expectation.
- False Relics boost the attractiveness of your churches by a lot (also higher donations during sermons)
- You can set up a gravestone at a cemetery to boost relations with every visitor. The owner of the cemetery will get more money.
- Vases and statues will boost the attractiveness to customers of your buildings for a limited time.
- You can now protect yourself from spindle of the sleeping beauty, pendulums of hypnoses and voodoo dolls by wearing the protective charm (amulet).
- You can now protect yourself from sorcerer documents by wearing the bone bangle.
- 2 new toys have been added: Bone flute and wooden horse. Children want different toys to play with.
- Counting houses no longer offer toad slime, dr. faustus elixir, tarot cards, mussels and pistols
- The profit you can earn via counting houses has been (again) nerfed slightly.
- The talent 'arcane knowledge' is now 50% less effective to boost production speed of scholars. This means
that high trained scholars will always be slower in production than high trained craftsman. Reminder:
every point in handicraft boosts productivity of all employees by 20%
- 'Arcane Knowledge' raises the duration of artefacts and measures/ reduces cooldown now by 5% per point
(2.5% before)
- There are less weapons and armors on the market at game start.
- You can stand further away from the towncrier to 'assassinate' someone.
- Intermediate products and herbs can no longer be traded at the market to improve AI production
(also makes the game a bit harder)
- You can now have up to 6 children (4 before)
- Workshops without owners won't spawn additional carts.
- AI workshops won't spawn additional ox carts anymore but instead spawn different types of carts
depending on the workshop's level and the current round. This is done to further improve AI
- The item measure 'bible' has been removed, but you can still 'read out from the bible'. This
measure has no longer the icon from the flaming speech but instead got the item-icon.
- The EP-level threshhold now has a real formular: 500 + 250*(current level -1). This means
you need 500 additional xp for level 2, 750 for lvl 3, 1000 for lvl 4 and so on.
Before the needed xp was quite random: to gain level 2 600, to gain gain level 3 750
and to gain level 10 (from level 9) 5000.
This means you will reach level 2,3 and 10 earlier but will need more xp for the rest.
- To compensate the harder level up the xp-price for class-talents has been reduced to
50 from 75. Short overview what that means:
To level up a class talent from rank 1 to 10 you need 2250 XP (3375 before)
To level up a normal talent from rank 1 to 10 you need 4500 XP.
To level up a non-class talent from rank 1 to 10 you need 6750 XP.
To max out all talents you need 45.000 xp, but you already reach lvl 10 at 14.000.
- The band 'Versengold' appears much less and never right in the first round.
- After you got cured from the black death you are now immune to re-infection for 4 entire
rounds (96 hours, 24 before) to actual get rid of it some day.
- AI controlled characters now get very small amounts of xp during their freetime activities
- AI controlled characters won't walk across half of the map to fullfill their freetime
- Upgrading the building will automaticly buy all production-upgrades for that level
(so you will instantly have the choice to produce new things after a level up). Only
really powerful items have to be unlocked first (diamond for example).
- Prices for upgrades have been rebalanced and overall is much more expensive.
- Some building's lacked upgrades for fireprotection and protection against burglary.
- The icon for 'Application for a lowest level post' has been removed because it caused
more irritation than clarity.
- The voters for each office have been changed: Voters are now divided into 2 halfs (left and right),
meaning all offices on the left (right) side that are higher than mine will vote for my office.
This also means that the king now can vote an every post.
- Chance for outbreak of the black death/ appearance of the pied piper has been reduced slightly.
- Robber AI will now no longer demand protection money from the same building for 8 hours
- Production priorities of the hospitals have been changed a bit: if they have low amounts of
ointments and bandages they will prioritize them before lavender.
- The AI won't check permantly their diplomatic relations to all AIs on the map but instead
prioritize on important dynasties (like friends, enemies and players). This improves the overall
game performance.
- AI will now upgrade their workshops as soon as they can.
- AI now knows who are rivals - and they don't like them.
- AI controlled characters will talk to each other on occasions.
- Office holder will now protect themselfes with bone bangles and protective charms (depends on
difficulty setting)
- The AI walks a bit less around and will instead stay at one place now for a bit more time.
- AIs that have nothing to do will make some additional animations now.
- The AI will now longer send their thugs to espionage, because there are more important things
for them to do (like escorting).
- AI will not longer assign their dynasty characters to serve inside pubs and taverns -
they have more important stuff to do.
- AI characters get some weapons and amory at game start (depends on difficulty setting)
- Shadow AIs have less XP from game start
- The master AI will now buy needed resources directly from the market every hour. It will
spawn directly in the building - this is needed because of how buggy AI production otherwise
- Shadow AIs don't need to walk to the townhall to buy titles.
- Shadow AIs now see if too many other sims have applied for the office of their choice and
won't visit the townhall anymore to apply for an already full office.
- All AIs will now to actually visit the townhall to apply, before they had of 25% chance of
applying without the need of going there.
- After applying for an office, shadow AI's will leave the townhall so that it won't get too
full inside.
- AIs won't apply for offices that their allies occupy already.
- All items and recipes got reworked and rebalanced.
- You get cheese out of 'lifestock' now instead out of 'milk' (gameplay reasons)
- Juice is no longer a product of the orchardist but instead of the miller.
- 'Stink bomb' and 'alcohol' have been removed (gameplay reasons).
- 'Sugar beets' are now called 'Beets'.
- 'Cake dough' is now called 'Sweet dough'.
- 'Cake' is now called 'Tart'.
- The item 'sugar' has been removed but will added back later with a different function.
- The inn keeper now needs to gather swamp root for some of his products.
- New items: flax, Savoury dough, pretzel, mead pie, stew, fish soup
- All items and recipes got reworked and rebalanced.
- The pawn shop is no longer part of the 'Sell-Storage'-mod and won't be visited anymore by sims who
wanted to buy signet rings
- The free storage slots the hospital had have been removed - the healer now has 6 slots at the beginning
like every other building.
- To have a 'Vision' now gives you 300XP (100 before), but only if you get a complete new artefact. Cooldown is
now 16 hours (12 before). Influence of weather and daytime on success-rate is larger than before.
- If you convert someone with the 'Win believers'-measure, the AI-sim will not listen to any preachers
in the street for at least 24 hours (4 before)
- Debentures have a cooldown now ( 8 hours) for the whole dynasty (no cooldown before)
- Healing patients now will increase the favor even if your workers do the treatment.
- Customers buying stuff from inside the alchimist shop will now look for bathing salt instead of dye.
- New items: Bone flute.
- All items and recipes got reworked and rebalanced.
- 'Cloth' is now called 'Linen'
- 'Oakwood ring', 'wood pins' and 'fittings' have beend removed (gameplay reasons)
- 'Build material' is back
- 'tar' is now called 'birch tar'
- birch tar is now collected near to the woodcutter hut.
- Wooden carvings are now produced by the joiner instead of the woodcutter
- Woodcutter and Mines can now buy additional item space.
- New items: Wooden horse, hammer and chisel, gravestone, nails
- All items and recipes got reworked and rebalanced.
- New items: Deck of many things (former tarot cards).
- You no longer get loads of xp by serving inside your pub.
- You get more XP during begging.
- You now get XP during production of pirate and juggler about as much as other professions do.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------